Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Christian Support Group

OK, if you chose to be all religious and stuff, I'm totally cool with that, I'm not into it, but you go ahead and do whatever the hell you want. However, if you've been raised all your life to be religious, had religion forced on you, that's fucked up. A small brainwashed child approached me the other day and offered me a free cross, it was very awkward to say the least, but the kid was like 10 and already trying to "help" people. Children born into (especially but not solely) hardcore Christianity have it rough, because they didn't choose to believe that, but once they are told fire and damnation awaits them if they don't believe it they're not really gonna stop. I want to start a support group that takes kids who never had a chance to choose heathenism and show them that there is more to life than praising invisible sky people. An open forum where heathens and Christians can come together and us heathens can tell those Jesus freaks that there are so many more options, and that they should be able to choose for themselves whether they want to believe in eternal damnation or not.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like this is an unfortunate situation that stems from a few glaring societal problems.

    1. Some people treat their kids like pets. They don't really see them as human and therefore fail as parents.
    2. Religious people can lose sight of what is truly important in their attempt to convert new members. They focus too strongly on simply changing people's minds and resort to cheap, strange tactics.
    3. You are a heartless bastard that won't accept Christ.

    Have fun burning in hell, Neil.
