Steve's dad handed him a cassette on his thirteenth birthday. Steve looked it over and asked, "A Compilation of Churchill's Greatest Speeches?" Steve's dad nodded solemnly, "Never forget, son." Steve's like, "What? I don't remember, Dad."
And--at the risk of being a total cheeseball--it is with this attitude in mind that I attempt to say "Thanks" to the men and women who have served our country in any way. I may be a stupid, lazy, selfish kid, but I appreciate anyone who is willing to sacrifice his own comfort and dedicate a part of his life to helping those in need and fighting for what he believes in. I know it probably doesn't mean much, but with all due respect: Good job.
Now, let me tell you what I've been doing with the time these fine men and women have earned me. Basically, I chilled the hell out. I downloaded a ton of music, ran around the woods, BBBQed [sic] with the fam, watched the Flyers lose, watched Halladay pitch a PERFECT GAME, ate icecream, ran around a cemetery, wrestled with my nephew, and held the Master Sword.
I think any veteran would be proud that I made the most of my weekend. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em, right?
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